Friday, November 25, 2011

Penang Camera Fair 25 Nov 2011

It was a Friday and an off day for me (shutdown) so me and son went for movies at Gurney Plaza, so I could also check out the Camera Fair this time around. The last time I went there weren't many things to see and do. This time, although I'm not exactly budgeting for anything, I went and actually saw some cool and interesting stuff going on.

They had model shooting competition which I didn't actually participate but joined in snapping away.

Meet Miss Olympus (look like Miss Chinatown).
Miss Olympus at the booth (Kawaii look)

and of course Miss Nikon, she looks a bit like Unduk Ngadau.
Of course the real stars of the fair aren't really the fair models but the gears. The new Nikon 1 that comes in pink, white and black are actually something really cool to have!! Apart from being pink, this is actually a powerful mirrorless compact that comes with interchangeable lenses that are the current rival for Sony's Nex 3, Olympus' 'Respect' PEN, Lumix's DMC LX5 and Canon's G12.

I still have problem accepting that some compacts don't have shortcuts to the M, A and S functions. You actually have to press menu for those.

Camwhores will alas jubilate with this Samsung digital camera with screen that flips 180 deg. Something a little more sharp than smart phones perhaps. Perfect for travels when there's no one around to snap a picture of you!

Something else that caught me were the mini studio booths for sale. I've seen this on online stores but this is the first time I'm seeing one. This is a consideration for those who want a home studio for marketing goods where you can just place the stuff in it, flip the lights on and take clear pictures of them with any background colour you want.

Not to worry if selling goods is not in your book, they also have human size booths. This one is RM6700 per unit! A little too pricey for amateurs like me. I forced the kid to model in it and this is the result. Actually kinda cool, with all key lighting in place, you can have that studio look like in magazines. This is absolutely so much advance than my home made studio I did in my 'Images of Low Key Lighting' post.


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