I think its my fourth time here but its my first time with a DSLR and my toddler.
Aside when I was at my preschooler school concert, this is also an occasion where I wished I had longer zoom lens (Always checking out ShaShinKi.com - Malaysia's Online Camera Shop! for any good second hand zoom lens). This baby elephant was quite close at the fence so I could take a nice shot of it.
The deers are actually fun to feed and I think they are the only animals allowed to be fed. This was on a cloudy day so I set on high ISO, white balance on cloudy. I also remained the circular polarizer (CPL) on as because there were a lot of lakes with fishes and sometimes the cages are made from reflective glasses that bounces light. CPL helped a lot in cutting out the light that bounces from reflective surfaces like water and glass. The below image is of the fishes with the CPL turned until the amount of reflection is minimized if not totally gone.
Being the wettest place in Malaysia, its not a wonder why it rained 3 times when we were there.
Snake House!! More like sleeping snake house when we went there. It was so dark and I'm not a fan of snakes, so I didn't bother taking any snakey images without a tripod. I could however try this effect which is an easy trick. As shutter is clicked, zoom out (or zoom in depending where you started) as quickly as you can. I tried this 2 times before I got this image. This works well if you are on slower speed.
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